Errorbot Tee

Posted 13th of May by Reine

 Hi everyone... I’ll have to take a break on the comic this week, since my wrist is playing up. Thanks, by the way, to the kind people who sent me advice and exercises during my last hiatus, they really helped! I’ve had a lot of freelance work lately, so I’ve been overdoing it a little.

 Following this week, there will be no fixed schedule for a bit- since life is looking to be a little crazy for a while, and updating the comic on a schedule has been tricky. Fear not, GSM will still continue, it’ll just be irregular. But mostly weekly. Irregularly regular? You know what I mean, right? It’ll return to a weekly schedule once I have things sorted.

 Lastly, good news everyone! Errorbot has heard your prayers and has blessed us with his presence… on a shirt. Or other merchandise of your choice. Check it out over at Redbubble. I’m going to get a cushion! He can watch movies with me.